Rights-based and people-centred
The International Land Coalition upholds the inherent dignity, identity, and social inclusion of all women and men, as captured in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Justice and equity
The International Land Coalition strives to overcome practices that marginalise or dis-empower people. This includes applying the principle of gender justice to all of our work. We recognise the importance of economic justice to address inequality, create opportunity, and overcome poverty and hunger.
Gender Justice
Learn how ILC is applying the principles of gender justice
A Coalition of Equals
We give equal space to each member in our Coalition. ILC is a space for members to listen to and engage with each other in a climate of mutual respect. Regardless of size, capacity, or position, we all have an equal voice in decisions about our direction as a coalition.
- include Community Based Organisations first
The ILC is non-partisan and independent of governments, donors, political parties, and corporations.