Honouring the Legacy of Salihou Moussa
On November 11, Salihou Moussa, the Regional President of MBOSCUDA and a devoted land rights advocate was tragically murdered while defending the Mbororo pastoralists in Cameroon. His heartbreaking loss underscores the severe risks faced by land defenders worldwide. As we honor Salihou’s legacy, we call on the Cameroonian government to ensure justice and transparency in the investigation and to urgently implement protections for all defenders of land and environmental rights. Salihou’s courage and dedication inspire us to renew our commitment to stand with those who safeguard our planet and communities. The International Land Coalition demands justice and protection for all land and environmental defenders in the following statement.
Statement on the Loss of Salihou Moussa - Regional President, MBOSCUDA
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Déclaration sur la perte de Salihou Moussa - Président régional, MBOSCUDA
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