23 March 2021, NAIROBI — The International Land Coalition Africa (ILC Africa) elected a new Steering Committee for its 2021–2022 Session. The new team, polled digitally by member representatives from each region, will captain the ship of ILC Africa as International Land Coalition (ILC) prepares to build back, with a new Strategy, post-COVID-19.
From 18-22 March, ILC Africa members meeting virtually, elected new four members into the Steering Committee. Representatives of members from East, West, South and Central Africa each elected Fridah Githuku of Groots Kenya (East Africa), Cheikh Amadou Ba of the Initiative prospective agricole et rurale or IPAR (West Africa), Patrick Musole of Zambia Land Alliance (Southern Africa) and Esperance Nyota of the Union for the Emancipation of Indigenous Women or UEFA (Central Africa).
Prior to the election, presentations were made on the work of the region, the new ILC Strategy and the role of the Steering Committee. In his presentation, ILC Africa regional coordinator Audace Kubwimana said, “ILC Africa Steering Committee is made of one representative from each of the four sub-Saharan regions (West, East, South and Central), a representative from INGOs/IGOs ILC members active in Africa, the RCU host organization, as well as the regional coordinator and the ILC global Secretariat Director who are ex-officio members.”
The pre-election sessions included an opportunity for the contesting members to speak about their organizations and personal commitment, campaign-style.
In her remarks after the election, Fridah Githuku, a female and young leader under 35 years, let loose her joy and applauded the transparency of the process. “This is perhaps the most peaceful poll held on the African continent,” she said.
Closing the fourth election session yesterday for Central Africa, jubilant Esperance Nyota said, “The task ahead of the new steering committee is to carry on the work done by their predecessors and improve on it to meet members’ expectations.”
The 2021 elections achieved the inclusivity criteria: 50% constituency-based organizations, a third of youth (between 18 and 32 years) and 50% of women participation.
ILC Africa members are elected for a period of one term, which expires at the next Assembly of Members.

Newly elected Fridah Githuku (2nd from left), outgoing steering committee member Kafui Kuwonu (2nd from right) and other members at the Regional Assembly 2019, in Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire