When youth have access to land, they can farm and create agricultural productivity innovations
On November 2, 2022, the International Land Coalition (ILC) and its partners launched a Multi-stakeholder Platform on Youth Land Governance in Africa, to unite land actors and coordinate efforts in promoting youth access to land.
The platform, hosted by Yilaa, an ILC member in Benin, is a space for young people to engage in policy dialogues with key land actors, strengthen leadership and organisational capacity, and promote the use of reliable statistics and data by policymakers.
This multi-stakeholder platform is a youth space led by the youth ~ said Audace Kubwimana, ILC Africa’s Regional Coordinator, urging all stakeholders to support the platform
“This multi-stakeholder platform is a youth space led by the youth,” said Audace Kubwimana, ILC Africa’s Regional Coordinator, urging all stakeholders to support the platform.
According to IFAD’s 2019 Rural Development Report, roughly one in every three adults in Sub-Saharan Africa is the sole owner of a plot of land, compared to fewer than one in every ten youth.
Realising the existing challenge of youth access to land, ILC, African Union, IGAD, Landesa, and Yilaa recognised the need to develop a platform that will empower youth about their land rights.
Speaking during the launch, Dr. Edeme Janet, Head, of the Rural Economy Division of the African Union (AU) Commission in Addis Ababa argued that the platform is an intervention to achieve secure land rights and several goals, including the African Union's Agenda 2063.
The African Union expects the platform to be as diverse as possible in terms of governance, structure, and youth programs that sensitize youth access to land and sustainable livelihood
“The African Union expects the platform to be as diverse as possible in terms of governance, structure, and youth programs that sensitize youth access to land and sustainable livelihood,” she stated.
ILC members present agreed with AU’s expectations with IPAR's Dr. Cheikh Ba stating "The platform should enable research and use of data to the advantage of youth," and CED's Dr. Judeon Socrate alluding to the need to build on already existing synergies to the advantage of youth in the platform.
In the coming days, the youth on this platform, will develop a multi-partner strategy. This will serve as a guiding principle in creating the platform's operational structures and mobilising resources for young people and organisations in this space, among other things.