Member since: 2013
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Strong Small-Scale Farming Systems
Equal land rights for women
Agriculture is one of the few existing economic sectors in Zambia, and is the main source of livelihood, income and employment for the majority of people living in rural areas. ACF’s mission is therefore to contribute to the creation of a viable and responsive agricultural sector through evidence-based policy analysis, knowledge management, policy dialogue and stakeholder management.
ACF believes that it is important that agricultural stakeholders have a voice in the policy decision-making processes. Thereby, ACF envisions a vibrant, multi stakeholder consultative platform in the Zambian agricultural sector.
In order to achieve its mission, the objectives of ACF are to effectively mobilize and engage stakeholders at various levels in policy advocacy, including in the formulation and implementation of agricultural policies, investment plans and programs. It also one of its objectives to continue to generate credible and quality evidence, as well as performance data for timely policy decision-making and implementation. Finally, ACF aims to be a reliable and relevant source of information and knowledge for the agricultural sector.
ACF’s constituencies include poor farmers, smallholder farmers, policy makers, agriculture commodity associations, agri-business enterprises, agricultural research institutes and agriculture cooperating partners.