Member since: 2015
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Secure territorial rights for Indigenous Peoples
To promote the livelihoods of Indigenous pastoralists through preservation of their cultural values, utilization of locally available resources and informed participation with consent for their development. To have Indigenous pastoralist community attain sustainable development and have its culture recognized, respected and preserved.
To improve the life of pastoralists by focusing on economy, health, environment, education and other social services through utilization of locally available resources; To collaborate with, offer training and advice to pastoralists on livestock keeping, health, peace and environment management for sustainable development; To train pastoralists on land use, planning and enforcement of produced bylaws for effective implementation of agreed plan of utilizing natural resources in the rangelands to avoid environmental damage and conflicts over use of the scarce resources; To assist pastoralists in signing contract with other organizations and communities on access of livestock supplies, livestock loans and communal grazing land; To improve communications between the pastoralists and the Government, together with other organizations, to inform the pastoralists about the development policies being tabled or approved and implemented for their development; To advise pastoralists and improve their ability to participate in policy debates and in all forms of development and globalization and make strategies of participating in such processes; To lobby and advocate for the rights of pastoralists of knowledge such as indigenous technology, art, land, livestock breeds and their culture in line with the National Constitution; To assist Pastoralists establish groups for entrepreneurship, community banks, and access loans in such a depository system and from other sources; To assist pastoralists record their traditional objects, informal education, art, and their technologies of environment conservation by establishing a cultural center; To mobilize pastoralists to participate in education development by establishing education funds, building schools and giving equal education access to all children in their respective areas through the use of locally available resources and in collaboration with other partners; To assist the pastoralists´ fight against HIV/AIDS in accordance with National AIDS policy of 2001.
Indigenous pastoralists.