Member since: 2015
Working towards these commitments
Secure Tenure Rights
Vision: Strengthened livelihoods and social justice for pastoralist, hunter-gatherer and agro-pastoralist communities through security over land and natural resources, and sustainable community-based natural resource management.
Mission: To strengthen the capacity of the community to improve their livelihoods, to secure rights to land and natural resources, and to sustainably manage them.
UCRT works to empower marginalised people in the rangelands of northern Tanzania to secure rights to their natural resources and land in order to improve their livelihoods and ability to conserve their resources. UCRT aims to promote more resilient, egalitarian and sustainable communities that are responsible for their own development, and better able to benefit from and steward their environment for future generations. UCRT also works with these communities to expand their ability to ensure that national policy and legal processes underpin their rights and development needs. UCRT works with the full involvement of local communities to develop strategies for long-term sustainable management and wise use of land and natural resources. We believe that all members of a community deserve an equal right to participate and make decisions regarding community affairs, and that decisions should not be undermined by elite or vested interests.