Following an external evaluation of the ILC in 2006, the ILC General Assembly of Members held in, Entebbe-Uganda in April 2007, and the Africa Regional Assembly held in Nairobi-Kenya in October 2007, a decision was made to decentralise ILC. This was the foundation of what is now the Africa Regional Platform-ILC Africa.
ILC's Strategic Framework 2007-2011 developed a roadmap for regionalisation and “underlined the need for regional members and partners to lead the decision-making processes, to define and achieve specific objectives.”
The primary rationale behind this decision was stated as: “to put pro-poor land agenda into practice in Africa.” ILC also wanted to increase its membership to reach grassroots and community based organisations, engage more members in its governance and mobilise resources for its strategic actions.
In 2016, ILC Africa developed a new strategy. Launched in 2017, the strategy (2017-2021) gives regional actors a stronger role in the implementation of ILC's agenda in the region. The following year, it recruited more members to the platform.
From 2013-2018, four CSOs have hosted the regional platform in three countries. They include: Kenya Land Alliance ( Kenya, 2011-2013), Rwanda Initiative for Sustainable Development (Rwanda, 2013-2014), the Southern Alliance for Indigenous Resources (Zimbabwe, 2014-2015) and the Environment Liaison Centre International (Kenya, 2016-2018). The current host, World Agroforestry (ICRAF), a centre of science and development excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment started hosting the Regional Secretariat in 2019.
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